Grades Kindergarten to 8th Grade Class Subjects Standards Based/Tiered Grading System
The standards based grading (SBG)/Tiered Grading System is a way for teachers to tract their students' progress and achievements while focusing on. helping students learn and reach their highest potential. It is based on students showing signs of masteryn or understanding various standards, which are the learning goals for what students should know and be able to do at each grade level.
1. Mid-Semester Grading: 1st and 3rd Quarter (mid-semester) will be used to report student academic progress or "point-on-time" snapshot for each semester. The progress grade is NOT a final quarter grade Final grades will be given at the end of each semester.
A. The Progress Report will be reflected as either: a. P (Pass): Enough evidence to determine passing b. NE (Not Enough Evidence): Not enough evidence to determine passing. c. NG (No Grade): No contact with student or no evidence submitted. This grade will remian until changed by teacher or school official This will NOT automatically convert to an "F".
Note: School Administrators have the discretion to allow or require tired grading to be reported for the Progress Reporting Period.
2. Semester Grading: Final semester grades will reflect a Standards Based/Tired Grading System with 6 levels as follows: 4 - Exceeds standards 3 - Proficient 2 - Approaching Proficiency 1 - Needs support 0 - Unable to Perform NE - No Grade/No Evidence
Note: Increments of 5 may be used to recognizepartial mastery of a level.
3. Standards Based/Tiered Grading System Criteria will include the following: 4 - Exceeds standards In. addition to demonstrating understanding and mastery of standard, content knowledge, and skills, student goes beyond what is explicitly taught or is able to apply the standard of skill to real world situations.
3 - Proficient Desmonstrates understanding and mastery of standard, content knowledge, and skills.
2 - Approaching Proficiency Defines and identifies content knowledge or uses skills alone but needs help demonstrating full understanding of the standard.
1 - Needs support Even with help, the student has difficulty performing basic skills or defining content knowledge and is well below grade level standard.
0 - Unable to Perform Even with significant help the student is not able to perform the basic skills or define content knowledge.
NE - No Grade/No Evidence No work or not enough work submitted to make a final determination.
Grades Kindergarten to 8th Grade Citizenship and Life Readiness Skills Standards Based/Tiered Grading System
1. Grades on Citizenship and Life Readiness Skills will also be given using the following criteria: A. Engagement: Participates in class discussions and activities, asks and answer questions. B. Organization and Planning: Organizes notes, handouts, supploes and instructional materials, plans assignments, activities and tasks efficiently, and manages time efficiently to meet deadlines. C. Completion and Submission of Assignments: Completes and submits assignments regularly and on time. D. Conduct: Displays respectful and appropriate comduct when communicating with teachers, peers, and others, E. Accountability: Follows school rules and takes responsibilities for actions. F. Attendance and Punctuality: Attends class regularly and on time.
2. Citizenship and Life Readiness Skills will be reported using the following levels. 4 - Excellent 3 - Satisfactory 2 - Needs Improvement 1 - Unsatisfactory N - Not enough evidence/No evidence/No effort