A strong relationship exists between attendance in school and the development of good work habits that lead to success. According to Board Policy 330, children from age five (5) through age (15) are required by Guam law (17GCA § 6105.1) to attend school; however, students who turn five after July 31 cannot be enrolled in Kindergarten for that school year. It is expected that students will be on time and prepared for class each day, so that they will acquire the knowledge and develop the skills to become productive, responsible citizens.
Students should report to homeroom by 8:15 am. When a child arrives on campus after 8:30 am, he or she must check in at the Main Office and receive a “Tardy Slip” to be admitted into class. Parents are expected to provide a written note to the school explaining the reason for the tardiness. Frequent tardiness will not be tolerated. According to Board Policy 411, students are considered absent for a school day when they are not present for half the instructional day.
Excused Absences
Board Policy 411 identifies excused absences as those incurred by following:
1. Illness of the student. However, students absent for three or more consecutive days due to illness are required to present written certification from a physician attesting to the nature of
the illness and the duration for which the student should be excused from school. In addition,
school administrators may require written certification from a physician for the number of
days of absences due to illness if a student’s past attendance records show patterns of illness
or reasons for the absences due to illness, which the administrator finds questionable.
2. Scheduled medical or dental visits.
3. Death in the immediate family. Immediate family is defined as mother, father, stepmother,
stepfather,guardian or caretaker, brother, sister, stepbrother or stepsister, and grandparent.
4. Required appearances at court or other legally related proceedings.
5. Lack of available bus transportation, provided the student relies on bus transportation to go
to chool.
6. Travel, which has the prior approval of a school administrator.
7. Natural catastrophe or disaster.
8. Participation in authorized school related activities or compliance with administrative
actions taken by the school, such as field trips, conferences called by administrators or
counselors, suspensions, going home because of illness or injury, etc.
9. Observance of holidays recognized by a religion of which the student is a member. The
school administrator shall have the final authority to decide whether an absence is
considered as excused within the limits contained in this policy. In order for school
administrators to determine if an absence is excused or unexcused, parents must provide a
note that explains the nature of the absence (or a doctor’s certification if the absence is three
or more consecutive days).
Unexcused Absences
If a student returns from an absence without a parent note or doctor’s certification, the absent days will be considered unexcused. When a child has accumulated three, six, nine, and twelve unexcused absences, he or she will be referred for truancy. Truancy The following definitions are taken from Title 17 Guam Code Annotated (Education). According to Section 6401, a truant student is one who is found to be absent from school without a reasonable and bona fide excuse from a parent. According to Section 6402, a habitual truant is a pupil who has been incurred twelve (12) or more unexcused absences in a school year. School Attendance Officers (SAOs) will investigate referrals and ensure that habitual truants are referred to the Superior Court of Guam.
The following definitions are taken from Title 17 Guam Code Annotated (Education). According to Section 6401, a truant student is one who is found to be absent from school without a reasonable and bona fide excuse from a parent. According to Section 6402, a habitual truant is a pupil who has been incurred twelve (12) or more unexcused absences in a school year. School Attendance Officers (SAOs) will investigate referrals and ensure that habitual truants are referred to the Superior Court of Guam.
Pre-Arranged Absences
Parents who request for pre-arranged absence must fill out the appropriate form in the Main Office. Approval of such requests is at the discretion of the principal or authorized designee. Factors such as the students’ attendance, grades, and behavior may be taken into consideration by the school administrator.
Off-Island Pre-Arranged Absence Request
School administrators will generally excuse off-island absences for up to ten (10) school days if prior approval is given to the parent’s pre-arranged absence request. School administrators are under no obligation to excuse off-island absences if such approval is sought after the off-island absence occurred. Administrators may, however, excuse such absences if circumstances warrant doing so. The nature of the trip will be taken into account along with the student’s attendance, grades, and behavior.