Emergency procedures are addressed in Board Policies 500, 505, 510, and 515. School personnel have the responsibility for the safety of students for teaching students how to conduct themselves during an emergency. Students are required to familiarize themselves with the procedures for quick and easy evacuation. Evacuation maps are posted in each classroom. When the building must be evacuated, students must follow the assigned routes and assemble in the designated waiting areas. To prepare for an emergency, several drills will occur on a monthly basis.
Fire Drills Students must follow their teachers’ instructions for evacuation from the classroom and assembly in the designated areas. In the absence of a bell or fire alarm system, the school personnel will use an alternate method to notify teachers and students of a drill. Students are to remain quiet and orderly so that teachers can take roll attendance. When the “all clear” signal has been given, students will return to the classroom in a quiet and orderly fashion.
Earthquake Drills Earthquakes are unpredictable, but knowing what to do should an earthquake strike may save lives. During an actual earthquake or a drill, students are to find cover shelter and follow the “Drop, Cover and Hold, and Evacuate” procedure. Earthquakes are usually very brief. In an actual earthquake, the immediate task is to protect oneself from falling objects. During an earthquake, everyone is to crouch under a desk or table, and protect the head. If happens to be outside during an earthquake, he or she must stay outside and go to an open area away from hazards. During and after an earthquake, students must follow the instructions of staff members. Bomb Threat If the school personnel receive a call relative to the presence of a bomb on campus, the emergency evacuation procedures will be initiated. Entry into the building will be prohibited for all personnel and students until the Guam Fire Department has granted clearance.
Campus Lockdown In rare situations, it is necessary to lockdown the campus. There will be a long ringing bell, which indicates we are on a Campus Lock Down. This is done only in extreme emergencies when violence has occurred on campus or is eminent danger. A lockdown means that everyone must immediately take shelter in order to avoid injury. Students will be directed to remain calm and follow the directions of school personnel. Lockdown Procedures If it is necessary to lockdown the campus, students shall immediately seek shelter in the nearest room available to them. There will be a long ringing bell which indicates we are on a Lock Down. They must move away from doors and windows, lie on the floor, and remain absolutely quiet and calm. Teachers shall exercise strict control over their students so as to avoid exposing them to risk.
Typhoon Procedures Guam is situated along “typhoon alley” and experiences severe typhoons. MAUES is one of several primary shelters on island. When announced by that Guam is in Condition of Readiness II while school is in session, students who are not normally transported by school buses shall be dismissed immediately. Transportation officials will send school buses to the schools so student can be sent home.