The Guam Education Board (GEB) and the Guam Code Annotated (Guam laws). The following are summaries of selected Guam Education Board Policies. The complete text can be located at
Board Policy 406: Student Cell Phone Use on School Campus Cell phone use is a privilege granted to students under specific conditions while on school campus or at a school-sponsored activity. Cell phones are not to be displayed, activated, or used on campus at times disallowed in the board policy. Cell phones must be turned off or be kept in silent mode and secured in a locker, back pack, purse, or similar enclosure. Students who engage in activities endangering the health, safety, and privacy of others may receive disciplinary action and/or may be referred to the Guam Police Department (GPD). Although board policy allows students to bring cell phones to school, it is done at the students’ risk. The school will not be responsible for any theft, damage, or loss resulting from students’ use (or misuse) of cell phones.
Board Policy 407: Standard Operating Procedures for Student Searches and Seizures To deter acts of vandalism and to prevent students from brining drugs, alcohol, or contraband on campus, random and unannounced school searches may be executed. Students are subject to search at any time while on any DOE campus or school-sponsored activity. Searches of lockers, cars, and book bags are part of this random search policy. If there is reasonable suspicion to believe that a student is in possession of contraband (articles considered to be dangerous or that may be a violation of law/school policy) that student may be individually searched. Students may be asked to empty their pockets or take off their shoes. NO STUDENT WILL EVER BE STRIP-SEARCHED.
Board Policy 409: Prevention and Intervention against Bullying and Sexual Harassment Bullying, harassment, and intimidation are defined in 17 GCA Section 3112.1 (a) as any gesture or written or physical act that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of harming a pupil or damaging his/her property or placing a pupil in reasonable fear of his/her person or damage to his/her property, or has the effect of insulting or demeaning any pupil or group of pupils in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or the education of any pupil. Sexual harassment is defined as any unwanted sexual advances, whether a verbal expression or other actions, that is of a sexual nature and makes one uncomfortable or intimidated. It may be a physical act that causes one to feel uncomfortable about their gender, regardless whether it is teasing of a sexual nature with derogatory overtones (name-calling, note-writing, spreading rumors, etc.). Students may be suspended for a maximum of 10 days, even without physical contact made to another student, if it has been determined that this policy has been violated. A warning may or may not be given, depending on the circumstances of the situation.
Board Policy 420: Control of Unauthorized Drugs and Alcoholic Beverages Students and employees shall be referred to the Guam Police Department upon the determination of the principal or his/her designee that they are in possession of or are distributing suspected illegal drugs.
Board Policy 425: Dangerous Weapons Any student, while at a school site, activity, or riding on a school bus, is found possessing an instrument which the principal or his designee determines to be a deadly weapon, shall be suspended immediately and a complete investigation shall be conducted.
Board Policy 430: Smoking and Possession of Tobacco Products NO SMOKING or CHEWING TOBACCO on campus. The mandated Board Policy punishment for this offense is: - First Offense: 3-day suspension - Second Offense: 6-day suspension - Third Offense: 9-day suspension - Fourth Offense: 10-day suspension and Discipline Advisory Council (DAC) Hearing
Board Policy 435: Bus Conduct All school bus riders will conform to school bus rules issued by the Superintendent of Education and the Director of Public Works.
Board Policy 440: Permission to Leave School Grounds No student shall leave the school grounds from the time he/she arrives in the morning until the time that he/she leaves at the end of the school day. Permission to go home for lunch or to leave the school grounds for any other reason shall be at the discretion of, and shall be granted only by the principal/designee.
Guam Code Annotated, Section 11408, Liability for Injury to Property The parent of any pupil who willfully defaces, or otherwise injures in any way, property, real or personal, belonging to the school shall be liable for all damages caused by the pupil. The parent or guardian of a pupil should be liable to the school for any school property that is loaned to the pupil and not returned on demand of an employee of the school authorized by the Superintendent of Education to make that demand.