Campus Hours Campus gates are open from 7:15 am to 3:30 pm. No students are allowed to be dropped off before this time. The elementary instructional day begins at 8:30 am and ends at 2:43 pm. Five (5) hours are allotted for classroom instruction, 15 minutes for recess, and 45 minutes for lunch. Students should be in homeroom at 8:15 am.
Arrival Children must not be dropped off before 7:15 am. When the gates are open at 7:15 am, students who are car riders will exit the vehicles at the drop off area in the main parking lot. Bus riders will also exit the busses at the drop off area. Pedestrians will enter the campus through the pedestrian gate located near the bus stop at the corner of Catalina Lane and Y-Sengsong Road. When students enter campus, they will proceed to the cafeteria to eat breakfast or go directly to the designated waiting areas. If students will be eating breakfast in the cafeteria, they should arrive on campus between 7:15 am and 8:00 am to have enough time to eat. The exit gate and pedestrian gate will be secured at 8:00 am.
Dismissal To prepare for dismissal and to ensure students’ safety, the main gate will be closed at 2:30 pm. Only authorized vehicles will be allowed to enter the campus. At 2:35 pm, students will be escorted to their designated departure areas. Bus riders will be escorted by school personnel to the bus loading line. All pedestrians will be escorted to the pedestrian gate near the corner of Catalina Lane and Y-Sengsong Road. All pedestrians must be met at the gate by an authorized person(s) that is listed on the Student Emergency Information Form. Students will not be released to unauthorized persons. Busses will depart at approximately 3:00 pm or immediately after pedestrians have exited the campus. After the busses depart, the main gate will re-open for vehicular traffic. Students who will be picked up by their parents or guardians will line along the benches that face the parking lot between Rooms 5 to 8. They will be released as parents and guardians arrive. A note must be sent with the child to the homeroom teacher in the morning if there will be a change in the student’s transportation after school. All students must be picked up no later than 3:30 pm, unless they are registered for after school programs.
Signing Students Out Maria A. Ulloa Elementary School (MAUES) is a closed campus. Once students arrive on campus, they may not leave the school grounds at any time without the permission of the principal or authorized designee. Parents or guardians who need to pull their child out of classes for a doctor’s appointment or other legitimate reason must sign out their child in the Main Office. Office staff will indicate the time the student was pulled out from classes, and parents or guardians will be required to provide a note or doctor’s note to justify the early release. Students will not be released to any person other than the parents, court-appointed guardians, and those authorized adults listed on the Student Emergency Information Form. Therefore, it is critical that parents update this form at the beginning of the school year or any time any information changes.
Procedures for Visitors Pursuant to 17 GCA Ch.7 § 7109 School Property: Unauthorized Entry, all visitors on campus must sign in at the Main Office upon entering the campus and obtain written permission from the principal to remain on campus. Visitors must state their reason for being on campus and then wait for permission from the principal or authorized designee. Visitors will be asked for valid photo identification in order to receive a Visitor’s Pass. Visitors must wear their passes at all times while on campus and then sign out at the Main Office after their visit has ended. Identification will be returned. A person found on campus without written permission shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be fined $300, imprisoned for 30 days, or both. Unauthorized visitors found on campus will be detained and referred to the Guam Police Department (GPD) for trespassing. All visitors are responsible for following school board policies and local and federal laws.
Visits by Relatives Parents and guardians are encouraged to visit the school. A visit gives parents and guardians the opportunity to learn about the school’s programs, its practices, and its goals. At no time may students bring to school their siblings, relatives, or friends who are not MAUES students. During special events where a large number of visitors is expected, sign-in stations will be set up where visitors will register and present their identification in order to receive authorization to be present on campus for the event.
Privacy of Student Information The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. §1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) holds that schools must have written permission from the parent and/or guardian in order to release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR §99.31) - School officials with legitimate educational interest; · Other schools to which a student is transferring; · Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes; · Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student; · Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school; · Accrediting organizations; · To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena; · Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and · State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law. Schools may not release student information to relatives, neighbors, and friends of the family, unless they are court-appointed legal guardians of the student.
Updating Student Information Parents and guardians are required to update their child’s information, ensure that all emergency contact numbers are working at all times, and ensure that physical (home) addresses are documented clearly. Emergencies happen and when it does, the school must have a quick way to contact parents or guardians in an emergency. Parents and guardians are also expected to inform the school whenever their child’s custody, guardianship, or living arrangement changes. Court documents on restraining orders or custody issues will be kept on file in the child’s cumulative folder.
Change of Residence Students must be enrolled in the school of their attendance area. Parents are expected to inform the Main Office if relocating. If a student and his or her parent or guardian are no longer residing within our attendance boundaries, parents or guardians must withdraw their child and enroll him or her in the school of their new attendance area. Registration When registering students in the Department of Education, parents must present the following: · child’s latest report card · health record (including the immunization record & record of a health examination, physical examination) · a document that establishes date of birth · Mayor’s Verification confirming residency Registration will be processed when all necessary documents are submitted. Out-of-district requests are generally not entertained because the current enrollment is relatively high, unless there is a compelling reason for the principal to allow the enrollment of a student who lives outside of the attendance area.
Withdrawal Parents or guardians must notify the school of their intentions to withdraw their child. School personnel will prepare the withdrawal documents, which are usually available for pick up on the student’s last day of attendance. Parents or guardians will be informed of any outstanding debt obligations that must be cleared, such as lost or damaged books, library book fines, etc. Students must be enrolled into their new school as soon as possible to prevent or at least minimize the number of potential unexcused days from the effective date of withdrawal from MAUES to the effective date of enrollment into the next school.
Student Attendance Verification A parent or guardian may request for Student Attendance Verification, which usually will be available for pick up in 24 hours, by filling out a form at the Main Office. Parents or guardians may be required to see an administrator or teacher if there are concerns about attendance or academics. Student Attendance Verification for purposes related to the Department of Public Health and Social Services requires their own form. Student Attendance Verifications must be picked up from the Main Office by the parent or guardian. Identification will be required. These documents will not be sent home with the student.