Student behavior is best improved by using a proactive approach that meets students’ needs and produces desired outcomes. On the other hand, a reactive approach focuses on punishment rather than correcting inappropriate behaviors and teaching children to make positive choices. All students are expected to demonstrate respect and responsible citizenship.
Schoolwide Positive Behavior Expectations The following general expectations apply to everyone at MAUES. Discipline problems will be kept to a minimum if students consistently abide by these simple expectations. 1. Be respectful. 2. Be responsible. 3. Be safe.
School Rules In order to maintain a safe learning environment, the following specific school rules will be enforced: 1. Walk in the hallways and inside buildings. 2. Listen and follow directions. 3. Respect others and their property. 4. Keep our school clean and free of litter. 5. Stay in designated areas. 6. Be on time. Furthermore, students must conduct themselves in a respectful, responsible, and safe manner while in the classrooms, library, cafeteria, playground, and restrooms. Students must also behave on the bus or at the stops.
Classroom Discipline Teachers are responsible for managing student behavior in the classroom and to notify parents when a student’s conduct may potentially result in a referral. Teachers take initial steps to resolve minor discipline problems. Rules that are consistent with the schoolwide behavior expectations and other policies are posted and communicated with parents. The teacher’s classroom discipline plan describes the classroom rule, the consequences for violating those rules, and incentives for obeying them. When minor infractions arise, teachers document their interventions and attempts to resolve the issues. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, warnings, time out, counseling, a call to parents, and loss of classroom privileges. Students will be referred to a school administrator if problem behaviors persist or the infraction warrants more stringent consequences.
Office Discipline Referral When a student commits major infractions of the school rules or has repeat minor offenses, an office discipline referral (ODR) will be filled out by school personnel and the student will meet with a school administrator. The principal or assistant principal will determine the appropriate consequence for the student’s misbehavior. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, detention, work detail,
Mandatory parent conferences, parent shadowing, and suspension. In the most severe cases, a Discipline Advisory Council (DAC) may be convened to determine whether Alternative School placement or another disciplinary consequence is suitable.
Student Suspension Board Policy 405 gives school administrators the authority to suspend a student when it is determined that the student’s conduct interferes with the schools’ mission. Grounds for suspension include, but are not limited to: 1. continued willful disobedience 2. open or persistent defiance of school authorities 3. habitual profanity or vulgarity 4. obscene gestures or wearing of clothing with obscene words, pictures or drawings 5. behavior that may cause the student’s continued presence in school to be offensive to the welfare of the school 6. conduct that constitutes a violation of any regulation or law 7. conduct which endangers the health or safety of self or others 8. making threats of violence against others 9. possession of weapons or explosives 10. possession of alcohol or any unauthorized drug 11. intoxication 12. academic dishonesty 13. inhalants 14. possession of any tobacco products (i.e. cigarettes, chewing tobacco, etc) 15. bullying 16. harassment 17. assault 18. instigating a fight 19. sexual harassment 20. possession of drugs, weapons, or contraband
Student Retaliation A common response from students who are involved in a conflict with other students is: “My parent told me to hit back when someone hits me.” This is unacceptable behavior at MAUES. The proper response for a student who is hit by another student is to file an incident report in the Main Office so that a school administrator can enforce an appropriate disciplinary consequence.
Uniforms Board Policy 401 was established to improve student behavior, promote appropriate attire, promote unity and pride, promote safety and security of all school personnel, minimize and or eliminate any socioeconomic distinction, and promote an environment free of harassment. Students must wear their uniforms (top and bottom) daily. Inner t-shirts must be tucked in, and inner t-shirt sleeves must not extend beyond the uniform shirt. Uniforms may be purchased at Royal Bic’s located in Tamuning.